Short Shakes! Macbeth
By William Shakespeare Adapted and Directed by Marti Lyons
Chicago Shakespeare Theater - 2019
Photos by Liz Lauren
Set by Scott Davis, Lights by Paul Toben, Costumes by Mieka Van der Ploeg, Sound by Mikhail Fiksel
“For fans of director Marti Lyons, “The Favourite”—Yorgos Lanthimos’ cinematic answer to the question, “What if Stanley Kubrick cared about the inner lives of women?”—served as a neat placeholder between opportunities to witness her most recent local productions: Jen Silverman’s “Witch” at Writers Theatre, one of the artistic high-water marks of 2018, and Chicago Shakespeare Theater’s latest Short Shakespeare! entry, “Macbeth.” …perhaps the most immediately identifiable similarity is this production’s pressing concern with the present, as it is hedged ever closer on all sides by eternity.” - New City Stage
“A not to be missed visual feast….the talented actors and luxurious production values make this a treat” - Chicago Stage Standard