Writers Theater
written by Jen Silverman, directed by Marti Lyons
Writers Theater, 2018
Photos by Michael Brosilow
Scenic by Yu Shibagagki, Lights by Paul Toben, Costumes by Mieka van der Ploeg, Sound by Mikhail Fiksel
“To Jen Silverman, without whom there would be none of this: You have written a diamond. A hard, sharp, lustrous thing made from the bones of what came before. It swallows our dreary daylight and returns it immaculate…To Marti Lyons, specifically: you are literally a genius. I am in awe of you. It was an unspeakable pleasure getting to witness your work with this specific cast and crew. In the parlance of my generation: you killed it. It is dead. Long live it.” - Kevin Greene, New City Stage