Sense and Sensibility
Adapted by Jessica Swale from the novel by Jane Austen
American Players Theatre, 2022
Photos by Liz Lauren
Featuring: Laura Rook, Samantha Newcomb, Isabelle Bushue, Nancy Rodriguez, Jennifer Vosters, Alys Dickerson, Charence Higgins, Tracy Michelle Arnold, Sarah Day, Tim Gittings, Brian Mani, Ethan Miles Perry, Jamal James, Jamaque Newberry, Rasell Holt, Marcus Truschinski, Ty Fanning
Voice and Text Coaching by Joy Lanceta Coronel, Costumes by Rachel Anne Healy, Scenic by Yu Shibagaki, Lighting by Michael A. Peterson, Sound and Original Music by Mikhail Fiksel, Sound Composition by Chihsuan Yang, Choreography by Mollye Maxner, Fight Direction by Jeb Burris